
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2022


A project designed for those who believe in the project to win, and the obnoxious jet to lose.    About Us Metastocks is a business management game where players take on the role of the CEO of a company.  The game starts when you create a company, and players can build as many companies as they want.  Each company (node) pays divided (prize). Nodes are simply collections of data points that reward users for their creation and use.  Each node generates a pre-determined number of coins/tokens.  Each token can be used to create more nodes, which increases the daily reward, or they can be sold on the open market in exchange for the underlying liquidity pair coin.  Do you know what Metastock is? To be the best CEO of the year, you have to take on the role of CEO of a COMPANY and buy a lot of businesses. Metastock is a business management game where you have to take on the role of CEO of a COMPANY, buy several companies to become the best CEO of the yea...


DuDe coin is a new cryptocurrency that has several unique features that make it stand out from the rest   DuDe Coin is a new cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology.  Unlike other cryptocurrencies, DuDe Coin is not controlled by any central authority.  Instead, it is PEOPLE'S MONEY that the crowd supports.  DuDe Coin also differs from other cryptocurrencies in that it uses a unique algorithm that makes it more difficult to mine.  As a result, DuDe Coin is rarer and potentially more valuable than other cryptocurrencies. What is MetalBacked.Money? MetalBacked.Money is a decentralized digital asset backed by physical gold and platinum reserves, which means that MBMX is not only an investment but also a savings account.  Its goal is to safely improve financial well-being and make a positive impact on the lives of others by helping millions of people shape their financial future - People's Money. Why choose public money? The most inspiring thing you can gi...


 INDDAIS is a deflationary DeFi token for diversity, inflation hedge, and huge potential returns.  INDDAIS is a decentralized automated digital data and asset management system.    INDTOKEN seeds can be purchased with any INDX, INDT or ERC-20 tokens.    INDTOKEN is the internal currency of INDDAIS.    One INDTOKEN entitles the owner to 1 GB of data storage on the decentralized INDDAIS network for one year.    The more INDTOKENS you have, the more data you can store on the INDDAIS network. Every token you buy will supply additional hash power to our mining farm.    For this contribution of yours, we transfer 40% of the total daily mining yield to the dividend vault distributed on the blockchain (dINIS).    The only key to gaining access to the funds in the vault is none other than the tokens you hold.    All you have to do is sow your tokens at Inddais Farm and continue to harvest crypto yields.    ...