An active global crypto community whose only interest is crypto. We provide a dynamic and popular platform for showcasing projects and increasing exposure.
Decentralized financing is a topic of discussion because of the innovative nature of their services, which include (everyone can get the same service without a minimum number of transactions), open source (transparent, everyone can contribute), and unrelated storage (service providers) don't store data and do not have access to funds from clients) and have no intermediaries because they are governed by smart contracts, thus saving a lot of costs and having very flexible space to set interest rates for both lenders and sponsors
What do we offer?
A platform to showcase your project, explaining in detail its use case and how it is better than competitors! In addition to the AMA sessions that take place in our global Telegram community, get extended exposure via our website and Twitter as well.
The upcoming AMA
Don't miss the opportunity to ask your questions to this upcoming project team.
AMA with Gold Mine
Join us for AMA on the Telegram group @Decentralized_Club, where our esteemed guest Rukky (Co-Founder) of the Goldmine Network will answer your questions and provide more insight into their project. Also have the opportunity to get rewarded.
Segment 1: Introduction (@ cryptoTALK01 will interact with the Gold Mining Network team).
Segment 2: Twitter Questions.
Segment 3: Website inquiries.
Segment 4: Live telegram inquiries.
A pool worth $ 100 GMNE to drop from the air.
1) Best 4 Telegram questions earn 10 $ GMNE each.
2) Top 3 Twitter questions, earning 10 $ GMNE each.
3) 3 questions Best Web sites earn $ 10 GMNE each.
Why Join Our Community?
Our community is global and we really mean it! Interact with people from different backgrounds and find out how blockchain and crypto impact everyone's life. Share trading ideas, identify potential investments, etc. You can do it all HERE!
10,000: Total Weekly Messages
4 500: Average AMA Attendance
250,000: Part of the Decentralized Club
How does it work?
Step # 1 Buy BNB / BUSD If you don't have BNB / BUSD and don't know how to get one, we recommend using the following websites:
Step # 2 Exchange BNB to $ GMNE You can get GMNE tokens just by exchanging your BNB / BUSD directly to Pancakeswap
Step # 3 Share / Farm GMNE Deposit any amount of GMNE into a smart contract and start receiving dividends every second!
ABOUT GOLDMINE TOKEN The Gold Mining Network is GMNE Coin Finance's original token. It is an Etherum based token. The GMNE COIN is an asset-backed token that gives the holder its holdings of pure gold which can be traded around the world.
Our community is global and we mean it! Interact with people from different backgrounds and find out how blockchain and crypto affect everyone's life. Share trading ideas, identify potential investments, etc. You can do it all HERE! 10,000: Total Weekly Messages 4 500: Average AMA Attendance 250,000: Part of a Decentralized Club
Hailing from Singapore, he started by running his own YouTube channel and slowly stepped into the crypto world, got interested and decided to run a crypto-focused community that helps people know about upcoming projects.
Hailing from India, he got into crypto at the start of the 2017 bull run.He saw a lot of projects that came up with Innovative ideas but about whom people don't know. So, he decided to set up a platform where the project could promote itself as well as advertise to thousands of people why their product was interesting.
Peter Smith
Originally from India, he has been working for the community since 2019. He is a trader and started crypto in mid 2020 during the lockdown period. He has benefited a lot from the Decentralized Club community since he joined and continues to do so.
WorkQuest: What it's about & Why it's important A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) seeks to address control challenges in various fields. Smart agreements and blockchain run as control advancements with the ability to endure a more important level of candor. The DAO was created to limit current issues of foundations and organizational ethical hazards. In the absence of an outsider, the network badge being thrown around tries to provide a temptation to always uphold the association's government aid. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) is an Ethereum dApp drawing authority providing basic guidelines for moving assets, managing principals, selecting agents, and delivering tasks in addition to the execution of different exercises locally may seek to embrace a biological system that will meet their needs. The Work Quest DAO is then responsible for the maintenance and management of the Work Quest stage. WorkQuest is a task market in the ...
SiriusX Platform for Tourism and Social Media services in the Future Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world lately. Every other social media platform is flooded with pictures of holidays and people are amazed by the beautiful tourist destinations that exist. I am currently very active on Instagram and Snapchat, and I see my friends posting dream vacation photos and videos almost every day. As a travel enthusiast, I love to travel and explore mother nature and different zoo animals from all over the world. However, travel can be a problem, especially because of the processes involved in trip planning and actualization. This article will be very helpful for travel fans out there who always want to travel to incredible tourist destinations around the world, with a limited budget! I will tell you all about this amazing project that I am taking part in because I have found better options for my travel business. SiriusX...
클리 블벳 가장 안정적인 도박 플랫폼 CVB는 가장 안정적인 베팅 플랫폼입니다. 비록 현재는 유효하지만 베팅은 큰 사업이되었지만 여전히 직면해야 할 몇 가지 과제가 있습니다. 여기에는 보안 소멸, 불공정 한 기회, 막대한 수수료, 비전문가 관행 및 실망스러운 수익이 포함됩니다. 이 모든 실망스러운 베터들과 그들 중 많은 사람들이 지하 베팅을 선택했습니다. CVB 솔루션을 사용하면 블록 체인 기술 덕분에 베팅 액티비티에 대한 보안 및 투명성이 극대화됩니다. 이 계약에 따라 중개자가 발행됩니다. 플레이어는 베팅을 설정하고 수익성있는 지시를위한 자금을 생성합니다. 조건과 베팅 결과에 따라 자금을 보호하고 상금을 보내기 위해 현명한 계약이 구출됩니다. 카지노가 플레이어를 잘 알고 있다는 점을 고려할 때 다음 제안은 완벽한 게임 플레이를 보장하고 모든 채널에 통합됩니다. Clevebet 은이 그룹의 효과로 인한 시너지 효과를 활용하기 위해 각각에 대해 부가 가치를 창출합니다. 예를 들어, 플레이어와 카지노는 동일한 생태계에서 거래 비용 0, 즉시 지불 및 고정 이익의 혜택을받습니다. 스포츠 베팅은 스포츠 결과 및 설정 결과를 예측합니다. 스포츠 베팅 빈도는 문화에 따라 다릅니다. 대부분의 파티는 축구 협회, 자동차 경주, 아마추어 및 전문가 수준에 배치됩니다. 작동 원리 CVB 플랫폼에서 사용자는 다양한 스포츠 이벤트에 베팅 할 수 있습니다. 다른 베팅 플랫폼은 종종 베팅과 함께 작동하므로 플레이어의 안전성과 불편 함이 줄어 듭니다. CVB 플랫폼에서 플레이어는 서로 직접 플레이하여 완전히 새롭고 흥미로운 규칙으로 놀이터를 만들 수 있습니다. 우리는 플레이어로부터 최소 커미션 (많은 베팅 플랫폼보다 훨씬 낮은 커미션)을 청구함으로써 플랫폼의 혜택을받습니다. 플랫폼을 출시...
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